"Senior Saints Serving Seniors"
Is there child care available?
During worship, children are invited to s with their families in the Sanctuary. Children six years old and older are invited to stay in worship with their parents.
Will I be asked to stand and be recognized as a guest?
No. We do ask that you fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering plate, as our pastor would love to connect with you.
Will I be expected to give money in the offering plate?
In the middle of our service, church volunteers will pass offering plates. As a guest you are not expected, nor obligated to give. Funds collected in the offering helps support Highland UMC, as well as ministry worldwide. This time of worship is an invitation for members, as well as people who call Highland home, to give.
So... What about worship?
Our service is traditional and centered around the Bible. It incorporates scripture reading, prayer, music, and a message from the pastor. Worship lasts about an hour.
And Communion?
The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. There are no restrictions of age or membership when participating in Communion. All present are invited to the Lord's Table.